Acquisition and sale of assets
  • The conduct of prepurchase or presale legal audit (due diligence) of legal purity and history of tenure;
  • Assessment of possible legal effects and risks of the transaction;
  • The full structuring of the transaction and its maintenance on the most advantageous conditions for the customer;
  • Advising on issues related to the tax consequences of the conclusion of transactions;
  • Agreement on the terms of the transaction;
  • Conclusion of the transaction, registration of ownership of the EGRP.
We provide consulting services to our customers on current issues that arise in their daily activities, and they are implemented at all stages of the project. Our lawyers have a long history of participation in projects that are subject to the jurisdictions of several states, in which we provide legal support for the Russian part of the draft.

Contact us
+7(495)648-06-22, +7(495)648-06-09,

123000 г. Moscow,
Shmitovsky Drivewave, 16, bldg.2