Criminal legal protection of business
The criminal law protection of business is often an essential element in protecting the interests of the client, which, depending on the situation, solves a complex issue where civil protection is less effective or impossible.

The lawyers of our company provide qualified legal assistance to clients in their relationship with law enforcement agencies in the application of criminal law in the sphere of economic activity: evasion of taxes or charges; The withholding by the taxpayer of the money or property necessary for the recovery of taxes or charges; illegal entrepreneurship; The legalization (laundering) of funds or other property; Fraud; Embezzlement, etc., for illegal business.

Our lawyers act both as defenders of the suspect and act on behalf of the victim, the plaintiff and the defendant, the private prosecutor, the witness.

The company provides a wide range of legal services to clients in relation to the law of criminal responsibility in the area of economic activity:

  • Advice in criminal law;
  • Conducting negotiations with law enforcement officials;
  • Appeal against decisions, actions and inaction by officials;
  • Protection of the interests of the client in investigative activities;
  • Protection of the interests of trusting in the judicial process;
  • Other assistance required in the course of criminal protection of business.

Contact us
+7(495)648-06-22, +7(495)648-06-09,

123000 г. Moscow,
Shmitovsky Drivewave, 16, bldg.2