Legal representation
Our clients contact us to obtain legally competent and economically justified solutions to the most complicated issues. Today, an economic dispute is usually not a single suit which is resolved in one court session; it takes the form of several interrelated and concurrently considered cases.

The firm provides legal entities with a full range of services for their judicial representation in arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction, including appellate, cassation and supervisory instances, as well as in the as well as in the enforcement of judgments.

The lawyers of our company have in-depth knowledge of Russian legislation and court practice in various areas of law. Our huge practical experience in the field of judicial representation allows us to protect your interests in court in the best way.

Contact us
+7(495)648-06-22, +7(495)648-06-09,

123000 г. Moscow,
Shmitovsky Drivewave, 16, bldg.2